Luigi Cavalieri - Full-stack Developer


I'm Luigi. This is my portfolio website, and my primary medium to share and showcase part of my work.

I am a front-end developer with a liking for back-end technologies. In my blog you can read about solutions to some of the coding challenges I face.

Technical Know-how

The following technical skills are the ones I'm most proficient in or I have knowledge of. They are ordered by degree of expertise.

I have work experience in

  1. HTML5
  2. CSS3 / SCSS
  3. JavaScript / TypeScript
  4. React.js (18)
  5. Redux
  6. TanStack Query
  7. React Hook Form
  8. Angular (11+)
  9. Tailwind CSS
  10. Apache eCharts
  11. Google Maps API
Back-end + DevOps
  1. PHP
  2. WordPress
  3. REST API dev.
  4. Node.js / Express.js
  5. Sequelize
  6. Git + GitFlow
  7. PostgreSQL / MySQL
  8. OpenAPI
  9. Laravel

I have knowledge of

  1. SWR
  2. NgRx
  3. Cypress
  4. Laravel Livewire
  5. AngularJS
Back-end + DevOps
  1. Next.js
  2. GraphQL
  3. Docker
  4. MongoDB

Current Projects

Technologies Used

TypeScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, CSS3 + SCSS


The website you are browsing is by far the project I have worked to for longer. It is the first place where I try my hand at new techniques and technologies. Over the years it has served various purposes, by evolving from a blog to a business website powered by WordPress, and back to a personal blog again. Now it's a Next.js-based portfolio website whose home page scores flattering points in Google Chrome Lighthouse (see below), an achievement that spurs me even more to keep learning.

Chrome Lighthouse Report

  • Perfomance 100
  • Accessibility 100
  • Best Practices 100
  • SEO 100

Past Projects

At diverse times between 2011 and 2022, the three WordPress-related projects below were the focal point of my developer life.

The Permalinks Cascade is a block-enabled WordPress plugin for creating and managing XML and HTML sitemaps, and lists of hyperlinks. For a long time I published its codebase under the name of SiteTree, which exceeded 100K lifetime downloads.

Work Experiences

When I first entered the GreenVulcano Technologies I contributed for a short time to the development of an Angular (11) app. Then, I was assigned as both front-end and back-end (PostgreSQL) developer to a Laravel-based administrative platform.

Soon after, I started contributing as lead developer to a component library built with React and inspired to the popular MUI project. The library was first used in a couple of real world apps as early as three months after I started developing it.

Apart from the aforementioned projects, my main involvement in the company was to contribute as a full-stack developer to the creation, from the ground up, of two TypeScript apps: an insurance platform aimed at the evaluation and detection of frauds, and a tourism portal.

This was my first ever work experience. Just after leaving university, I turned my hobby project iClip Lyrics into my first solopreneur business.

iClip Lyrics was a stand-alone iTunes tool which allowed the user to automatically fetch from the web the lyrics of the song currently playing and save it to the relevant file. MacWorld wrote about the app in an article of its Little Gems column.

Although the whole experience lasted just one year, it was the one that opened my mind on what I really enjoy doing.

About Me

My contacts and a couple more details about me.
Thank you for reading this far.

I live in a small hill village in the province of Salerno (Italy) with my family, two foundling dogs and three pond slider turtles — actually there is also a family of bats dwelling under my roof!

My journey as a self-taught developer began during the bygone years of the university. My hobby project, iClip Lyrics, gained modest popularity, to such an extend that I decided to turn it into my first solopreneur experience. Only in 2011 I started approaching to the open source world, when I released my first actual project, SiteTree.

In the summer of 2021, SiteTree gave way to The Permalinks Cascade, and I eventually fell in love with full-stack JavaScript development. I found myself spending an ever growing amount of time on exploring JavaScript and its ecosystem of technologies.

Today, full-stack JavaScript development fully takes my developer life. And I couldn't be happier.

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