Luigi Cavalieri - Coding, Sharing, Blogging

Pro Leaf Becomes Wonder Leaf

To stay true to my view even in the scope of my working activity, renaming Pro Leaf, the add-on of the little gems, was a step that I couldn't but take.

Pro Leaf Becomes Wonder Leaf

Developing a software is tough, but giving it a new name, it's a no less challenging task. Most of the time such a choice is nourished by an obvious reason, other times it is simply the need to give breath to an idea, to push for the change. Wonder Leaf is born exactly from said need. It's the result of a thought that finally reached full maturity: the ability to look at life in wonder isn't a privilege of a few, but an aptitude of everyone, and as such, it has to be celebrated everyday.

Thus, to stay true to my view even in the scope of my working activity, renaming Pro Leaf, the add-on of the little gems, was a step that I couldn't but take. After all, almost all paid softwares can be labelled as Pro.

Now that Wonder Leaf is a more fitting name for a Leaf that already stood out from the other add-ons for the variety of its features, all that is left to do is to make it grow. And in this regard I'm excited to tell you that version 2.0 is already about to leave the design stage.

As always I am as much opened to feedbacks as willing to be of help, so feel free to contact me if you need to.