Luigi Cavalieri - Full-stack Developer

Latest 3 Posts






  1. The 'db-error.php' Plugin

    The 'db-error.php' plugin is a Drop-in Plugin that WordPress attempts to load whenever there is a problem connecting to the database, an example is given in this post.


  1. The Permalinks Cascade Pro Goes Free

    For the course of events to change, it doesn't necessarily have to take place a paradigm shift, sometimes even a decision made to fulfil an ordinary need is enough.

  2. SiteTree is About to Go Premium

    I have always been of the idea that the freemium business model was the one that best suited my way of thinking, but sometimes needs change rapidly, and when it does happen, action has to be taken proactively.

  3. Pro Leaf Becomes Wonder Leaf

    To stay true to my view even in the scope of my working activity, renaming Pro Leaf, the add-on of the little gems, was a step that I couldn't but take.

  4. Demux Leaf Will Join the Core of SiteTree 6.0

    I couldn't have predicted that only three months after the launch of Demux Leaf, I would have announced my decision of opening its source to the community, but I'm doing it, and I couldn't be more confident about my choice.

  5. Meet the Leaves, Add-ons for SiteTree

    Leaves are plugins, plugins specifically built for SiteTree. Out there this kind of software is called add-on, or simply extension, but apparently I am unable not to leave spoors of me.